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Interview Maureen


Radiant Mourning Mareen Kures



Making It Fast and Easy to Book Maureen Kures as a Guest on Your Show



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Maureen lives in Bellevue, WA which is Pacific Standard Time




Radiant Mourning CEO, Maureen Kures, talks about end- of- life subjects in a way no one else can. Her candid approach to this scary topic helps fear slip away. Maureen loves talking about ways to plan for a peaceful final journey, well before that day arrives.



What you need to know about Maureen





After 35 years as a Registered Nurse, Maureen Kures is no stranger to end-of-life issues. She has seen first-hand the devastation that can occur when families don’t have potentially difficult discussions with family members – the same discussions that could have helped everyone weather the loss of a loved one in a more peaceful manner.

No doubt about it – end-of-life conversations are the elephant in your family room and can be challenging. Maureen’s strength lies in her ability to help families calmly approach topics that are difficult to discuss. Her expertise in reducing drama, trauma, and chaos has helped individuals get their affairs

in order while getting their families in alignment. Maureen created Radiant Mourning to be an advocate for end-of-life planning.

Today, families hire Maureen to protect and empower them through facilitated discussions, planning, and preparation for end-of-life transitions. Her uncommon advocacy provides safety, clarity, hope, and guidance to her clients.






Questions to ask




Q: How would you describe our society’s attitude toward death?


Q: Why do you think so many people don’t want to face death, or even discuss it?


Q: What do you think is the hardest aspect of death that people have to deal with?


Q: What do you think are the main misconceptions people have about death?


Q: What motivated you to want to be an end-of-life coach?


Q: What is the problem that you are trying to solve for people?


Q: What are some prompts that can help us open the subject of an end-of-life plan with ourselves or a loved one?


Q: For people who are dying, in your observation, what is their typical attitude toward death? (e.g., Scared? Hopeful? Regretful?)


Q: What are some of the regrets people have (as they are making their transition)?


Q: How are the regrets of women different from men?


Q: What does a healthy grieving process look like?


Q: How do you think people need to see death? (e.g., more hopeful, more positive, etc.)


Q: You’ve spent your entire career around death and the dying, how did you develop such a positive and hopeful outlook?


Q: Are there any cultures that we can learn from that have a more hopeful perspective on death, what are their attitudes toward death?


Q: Why is it important for us to prepare for death?


Q: What are some of the biggest mistakes families make when faced with a medical

crisis (like COVID), or an unexpected death?


Q: What are some of the reasons folks misstep in this way?


Q: What role does fear play in all of this? What stories do you hear again and again that keep folks burying their heads in the sand, instead of taking the bull by the horns and getting wishes in writing?


Q: Families can be filled with conflict. What are some ways that people can get their wishes known and heard, and have the family unite in honoring those wishes?


Q: Because death is unpredictable, at what age do you think it’s appropriate to start thinking about end-of-life planning?


Q: How do you define “Getting Our Affairs in Order”? What are all the things we need to consider? What needs to be on our checklist?


Q: Why do you think people put off “Getting Affairs in Order”?


Q: What consequences have you seen from individuals and families that were unprepared for death?


Q: What are the benefits of having a good end of life plan?


Q: What is the value of having someone like you coach them through the preparation process?


Q: Our time at doctor’s appointments can be very limited. Why is it Important to share your wishes with them? 


Q:  Does insurance pay for appointments to discuss end-of-life planning with your doctor? If so, how does one go about scheduling this?


Q: What should I have asked you Maureen that would make this interview even more valuable?


Q:  Knowing that viewers will want to learn more from you, Maureen, what is the single best next step they can take, starting right now, to become part of your world?





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